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Frequently Asked Questions 

How do I get on the waiting list for a boxer puppy?

PLEASE NOTE THIS POLICY CHANGE IMPLEMENTED JANUARY 2011> For anyone wanting on the wait list for a puppy a $100 wait list deposit will now be required to guarantee a place on the list for a specific pairing. This policy change has been needed due to the fact of to many families changing their minds and making it very difficult for me to schedule families to choose their puppy. Please keep in mind this wait list deposit will be applied to the cost of your puppy when you do choose and is non-refundable.


What are the steps involved in getting a new Boxer puppy for my family?


  If we do not have puppies available when you first contact me, you are welcomed to put your name on our waiting list for a puppy from the next available litter. If you do decide to get on the waiting list please keep in mind you may be waiting up to 6 months or so for a planned litter to be born & ready to go to their new homes. If we have available puppies when you contact us, you will be emailed pictures of the pups if you are unable to visit us. You then choose your puppy, at that point the Holding Deposit is due to reserve your chosen puppy for your family.

    The Holding Deposit is half of the full cost of the puppy (after the $100 wait list deposit,if you paid one, is subtracted from the full cost), you may pay this holding deposit by using PayPal. I have a Pay Now button on the main page of this website, this takes you to an invoice where you can pay the holding deposit. The final step is waiting those long weeks until your chosen puppy is ready to go home. When the puppy is ready to go then the final balance is due when you pick your pup up to go home, or we can also meet you part way for gas expense added to that final balance. If you've made arrangements with me for shipping the puppy you will need to pay the final balance plus the $400 shipping cost 10 days prior to the expected shipping date. You will be sent a confirmation email with all flight information you will need.



Why do you have a waiting list?


I want to insure that any female boxer I allow to breed will have most if not all of her puppies "spoken for" by good families that are willing to wait for a good boxer puppy versus families that are spur of the moment shoppers or have not thought the purchase of a puppy through. I want to be as certain as possible in a very uncertain world that our puppies born here are guaranteed good loving homes before I put our adult female boxers through breeding and whelping puppies. I do not feel that a boxer puppy or any puppy for that matter should be disposible, meaning , I do not want our puppies to be placed with families that are unaware of or uncertain of their commitment level to this new puppy.  And then that new puppy may ultimately end up in an animal shelter when that puppy turns into more work than you bargained for. .   A puppy turns into an adult dog, an adult dog turns into a senior dog, and then the ultimate sadness of losing that dog at the end of their life. Please ask yourself and answer it truthfully > are you prepared ,willing & able to care for this brand new puppy thru all of those stages all the way to the end?  If you are not or cannot be certain that you will do everything in your power to provide love and care and a stable loving home for this puppy  all the way through , then please rethink it.. please wait until you are certain of your commitment level & family situation or get a gerbil instead.


What is the price for a puppy?


Costs vary according to the registration of the litter and the markings and gender of the puppy you choose. Contact me for the various prices of our puppies. . Most of our adults are AKC registered,  some are  UKC & possibly CKC. The cost also varies a little by the markings of the puppy , a flashy puppy with excellent white markings will be priced higher than a classic more dark faced fawn or brindle without white markings. Female pups are also priced a bit more than males.


Does this cost include AKC breeding rights?

NO, the price quoted for a specific puppy  will not include breeding rights in most cases. I place 95% of our Boxer puppies in Pet Homes only. No breeding


Why do you limit registrations, no breeding rights?

Put as simply as possible, the average family does not understand what is involved in breeding a boxer & providing a healthy puppy for any prospective new families, health testing is involved first off, 2nd, boxers must be mature (fully grown) before breeding. In most cases this is a minimum of 18 months (a year and a half) for females, 16 months + for a male to sire a litter. Most families who think they can purchase a puppy at 8 weeks, breed a pup at a yr old and provide care for those pups and the immature UN-health tested mom are just wrong, and will not be buying a puppy from me. I do not want to be accused of placing puppies with breeding rights to only contribute to the over population of sub-standard boxer puppies (after our pups are bred to young or to sub-standard un-qualified, un-health tested dogs) in the general boxer population. Breeding rights will only be given to exceptional families, families that can demonstrate to me their knowledge of the boxer breed and what is involved in purchasing an exceptional puppy. And also willing & financially able to health test that boxer (at maturity) before even considering breeding..I will never place a puppy knowingly with a possible breeder that does not health test their dogs or health test the potential mating partners to the puppy purchased from me. I've done this twice in our 10 yr history with 2 pups & have learned my lesson. I've since bought both of those puppies back because I learned they were going to breed to non-health tested partners. This was unacceptable to me.


Why are your boxer puppies so expensive?


We feed our dogs well, we do not feed cheap foods or any  food with first ingredient on the list is CORN which is what most breeders feed because CORN based foods are cheap, we feed our adults either Diamond Naturals, Royal Canin, Fromm Gold Nutritionals or various Taste of the Wild formulas Dog Food depending on what works best for each individual Boxer. Also our pregnant moms are placed on either Royal Canin or Taste of The Wild food or Blue Buffalo Chicken and brown rice formula. Then the pups when they are started on their food are started with Taste Of The Wild or Royal Canin or Blue Buffalo depending on what has worked best for the mom, will work best for her puppies.. Our food bill for our boxers is one of the main expenses that must be figured in for the cost of a healthy puppy. We feed our dogs well with a good quality food to insure nice sized puppies with strong immunities. Also, to keep our adult boxers at a healthy weight. I believe you get out what you put in...if you want mountains of poopoo put in mountains of poo food..If the dog is not benefiting from it why feed it..Have you ever seen a dog in a corn field going to town on an ear of corn? Make sense? Royal Canin food does contain some corn, but it is way down on the ingredient list , it is not the first ingredient. Food ingredients on the food bags are listed in order higher amounts first and so on. 

  Then we visit our vet with our boxers on a regular basis for teeth cleaning, health check-ups, vaccinations and fecal exams to determine if we are doing a good job on parasite control. Fleas in a kennel environment are a constant battle, We use Comfortis chewable monthly flea control for non breeding Boxers & Frontline PLUS topical applicators for the actively breeding dogs for flea control. Then of course and should go without even thinking about it for any breeder or any new puppy owner,: all of our boxers are on MONTHLY HEARTWORM PREVENTION..Your new puppy should be started on HW prevention by the age of 3 months PERIOD no if's ands or buts.. this is vitally important. Heartworms are KILLERS. Heartworms intermediate hosts are Mosquitoes if you've seen a mosquito in your yard your dog could have been exposed to heart worms. I recommend Revolution Heart Worm Preventative in your home situation, as it has a combination effect of preventing heartworms and also killing and repelling fleas so you should not need the extra flea prevention added to your puppies monthly regimen.

 Then of course we health test our boxers for heart issues before breeding this can include but not just limited to Holter monitoring (24 hr EKG), ARVC DNA testing for the Arrythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy gene which causes one form of the "Big Boxer Heart" disease. ETC. ETC. Testing costs money. You get the idea. Pregnancy testing, thyroid testing, full blood work panels , brucellosis testing etc. Our 3 separate veterinarians love to see us walk in their door.

 Of course you can purchase a Boxer puppy from a BYB (back yard breeder) for $400 or $500, but ask that breeder to produce health testing paperwork or Holter Monitor readings, or ARVC reports  for any of their adult boxers  and you will get a blank stare or silence on the other end of the phone or they will just choose to ignore your emails. 

Why are your boxer puppies so inexpensive, is there something wrong with them?


I get this odd question from the occasional northern states family where they are accustomed to seeing purebred boxer puppies advertised for $1500- $1800 plus, I am not certain why northern boxers are more expensive than our southern raised boxers, but I THINK it's because the overall care & feeding of "northern" boxers cost more. The overall cost of living & wages are higher in the northern states.. Plus its a supply & demand scenario, if there are few breeders those few breeders can then price their Boxer puppies for more and actually receive that price for their puppies no questions asked. If someone (there) wants a boxer they will pay the cost. Boxers are normally in high demand no matter where families live simply because they are some of the BEST Dogs ON Earth :-)




Will you ship Boxer puppies?


  I will no longer be shipping any puppies as of Sept. 2013. . Sorry..  I  follow Texas State Licensed Breeder rules and regulations and cannot ship puppies sight unseen to families. I also no longer meet families half way, you must drive here to our home and kennel to pick up your new puppy.   If you have frequent flyer miles you want to use to fly to Dallas DFW or Dallas Love Field airport  then from there you can rent a car to drive the 1 hour and 45 minutes to our home. . .  

When will my puppy be ready to go home?


Our puppies are not ready to go to new homes until at least the 8th week of life.. This timing depends a little on the Moms of each litter and when the moms start their weaning process. I let the moms of the litter lead us in this. Some mothers wean a little earlier than others. I believe, after watching the different moms that this depends on when the pups get their first pup teeth, how far advanced they (the pups are), health of the pups and the overall demeanor of the moms and pups.



What if I can't pick my puppy up at 8 weeks?

Once the puppy is ready to go (vaccinations started, vet checked and declared healthy and ready) I allow 1 week for you to make arrangements to either meet me part way or drive here to pick your puppy up. After the puppy is 9 weeks old I charge $20 (this reflects a price increase starting in mid September 2018)  a day for boarding, this is due along with your final payment when you get the puppy. If I am the one wanting to keep the puppy a few extra days for health reasons, I do not charge you the boarding fee of course. This boarding of the pup can come in handy for families wanting to finish up a vacation or to have a few days to get their home puppy proofed. Contact me with any questions.


What will I get with my new boxer puppy?

You will receive your new pups registration application from one of the following registries , AKC, UKC, or CKC . You will also receive in your puppy pack : a sample of the food your puppy is started with. IF you have already bought a bag of puppy chow that you want to use with your pup you will use this sample supplied while you slowly over a weeks + time add more of your bought food to your pups sample food. DO not switch your puppy over to the new food to quickly, you will create problems (diarrhea, upset stomach, possible refusal to eat) . In the puppy pack you will also find the pups vaccination / deworming record, your new puppy will have at least 1 age appropriate vaccination. The vaccination / worming record is provided so you can take that to your vets office on your pups first visit. This way, your veterinarian knows what has been done & when, and can then continue the pups booster vaccinations on schedule. You will also receive a print-out on basic commands training. Please read these tips, they will help with the basics and immediately implement some of these tips in your everyday training of your new pup.


Copyright 2022, No animals were harmed in the making

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