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K & J's Boxer Kennel
K N J's Country Pups
Available Puppies
We currently have no puppies available. Please check back often or get on our waiting list to be contacted when we do have puppies available.
Past puppy update photos. These were sent from our boxer families , some are recent and some are just so cute I had to share them again.
Ruby H.Adorable Ruby H. born 12-30-17 now living in Louisiana. She was the smallest baby of the litter but is coming right along. Adorable !!! | Arya H. GolliPrecious Arya is a puppy from Brandy & Harleys litter born 12-30-17 now living in Oklahoma | ALLIAlli is a puppy from Buttercup and Truckers January 2017 litter. |
Remi and Alli sistersThese 2 sisters went home with a mom and daughter so they get to see each other often. D.O.B. 1-17-17 | MollieUpdate photo of 2 yr old Mollie, she is a pup from our Darby and Sampsons Nov. 2015 litter | DaisyDaisy is a puppy from Buttercup and Rockys Oct. 2017 litter. |
Mele H.Mele is a gorgeous puppy from Brandy and Harleys 12-30-2017 litter. Adorable !!! | Chloe age 9 weeksChloe and one of her best friends taking a little nap | Chloe C.Adorable photo of Chloe, she went home Christmas week 2017. |
Mollie Nov. 2017Absolutely gorgeous girl | BJ's wistful look.Very handsome puppy..5 months old in this photo. | BJ @ 5 monthsUpdate photo of handsome BJ. living in the Austin TX area. |
Percy @ 9 weeksAdorable Percy is living in the Dallas area with his family and big fur brother Tobi. | Percy and big bro TobiLittle Percy and big Tobi. Best buds. | Odin at 14 weeks oldThis handsome puppy lives in Nevada. Hes a pup from Brandy and Axles litter. |
Odin and his Boston Terrier buddyOdin and the Boston Terrier are best friends. Odin is a pup born in July of 2016 and now lives in Nevada. | Max a year and a halfUpdate photo of Max sent to us from Marilyn. Max is happily living in Louisiana and keeping Marilyn on her toes. Such a handsome boy. | Albus Cool ShadesAlbus in his cool shades , a pic taken while he and his family were on vacation to the East coast. |
Mollie with her frisbeePhoto of Mollie, the caption on Facebook read "Mollie, aka Steven Tyler! She loves this flexible frisbee, is always carrying it around folded in half like a taco!" | Marty L.Marty is 4 months old, he is a pup from Darby and Sampsons Nov. 2015 litter. It looks like Marty has a best friend. :-) | Baylee and BeauTrying to get a toy out of the pool without getting in.. tricky operation. |
Jasper @ 2 yrs oldJasper is a brother to my Cheyenne. This is his birthday photo from March 6th 2016, he was on his way to TCBY ice cream for his birthday treat. I love our boxer families. :-) | Baxter 1 yearBaxters update photo from his owner. He's 1 yr old in this photo. | Baxter and BrodeyBrodey the fawn was the first boxer this family took home from us, then the adult son had to come back and get Baxter for his very own. :-) |
Shado at 2 yrs oldShado is my Cheyennes sealed brindle sister. This is an update photo sent from her family | Boxers make the best cuddlersFinlie is from Tater Tots and Bandits Nov. 2014 litter. She makes the best cuddle buddy. | Mollie Lee age 4 monthsUpdate photo of a gorgeous mahogany fawn girl from Darby and Sampson's Nov. 2015 litter. |
Roxey's 4th birthdayBeautiful flashy fawn daughter of Junior living in East Texas. | Roxey & JazzyRoxey the Boxer and her little "sister" in their favorite chair. | Georges 4th BirthdayVery handsome George is a flashy sealed brindle boy from Trouble and Truckers very first litter together. |
Weston says Merry ChristmasMerry Christmas from Florida | Weston goof lolWeston says "Hi from Florida" | Boris P.Boris picked a flower and took a nap guarding his precious prize :-) |
Finlie and her big buddyFebruary 2015 | Bed explodedEllie and another case of the Exploding Bed. oopsy .. "I'm sorry mommy" March 2015 | BearBear with his 3 month old "skin sister" baby Reese. March 2015 |
HazelHazel and her new "skin sister" Annabelle. Happily living in Oregon. Feb. 2015 | Ginger K..Gorgeous puppy. Update photo from Feb.22nd 2015 of a puppy that went home a few weeks earlier..beautiful !!! | TuckerA brother to our Cheyenne, now happily living in Oklahoma. |
Weston and his buddiesWeston on the right now lives in Florida so he dresses for Christmas weather every chance he gets. | Dirk and SadieThis family's adult son bought Dirk first and then a year later after the parents fell in love with Dirk they came back to us and took home Sadie the sealed brindle female. | Dirk and SadieDirk had enough of that Santa hat :-) |
Chelsea E . at Christmas 2014 | ShadoShado is my Cheyennes sealed brindle sister. | BootsBoots on one of her many adventures walking around White Rock Lake near Dallas. Feb. 2015 |
GracieGracie at age 1. Miss Gracie is a sister to our Brandy. | Rollo at the beach..Some great action shots of Rollo the flashy sealed brindle puppy at the Texas coast on vacation with his family | Bo at 4 months |
Bo N. at a year..Bo surveying his big giant new yard domain. | Tobi on the right was born here.Tobi age 5 | TobiTobi at age 5. |
Moose and GracieAll Grown Up and gorgeous | Gracie & MooseThis is an update photo sent from their new family , they were 12 weeks old in this photo. |
Bea at 6 wks of age.
Raven with her puppies
Bea at 6 wks of age.
Raven & Axles Litter
​​None available in this litter, they all have families.
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